Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Royal Tenenbaums

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I watched The Royal Tenenbaums the other day, and it's absolutely amazing. I loved everything about it, from the cast - my favourite being Margot played by Gwyneth Paltrow for all the secrecy and mystery that surrounds her character, to the awkward and abrupt script.

But my favourite part of Wes Anderson films and what I love most (just above his characters) is his shooting style. His symmetry and dramatic contrived camera movements make you very aware of what you are watching is all carefully constructed. Everything is shot is thought about to the last detail - and it's this that amazes me, everything to the angles objects are placed, to colours scheme and pattern are thought about, which means you can sit there and stare at the beautiful imagery and get lost in a playground of amazing objects and colours. It is this level of work and detail that I am trying to bring into my own work. Making intentional choices to include or exclude objects, select the perfect colour scheme, make sure everything is perfectly aligned the way it should. Making each shot and piece of work as powerful and effective as it can be; and that's what I aim to do over my final year.

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It also has one of my new all time favourite scenes from any film ever, I've watched it over and over again. Richie played by Luke Wilson attempts to commit suicde perfectly matched to Elliot Smith's track 'Needle In The Hay.' So brutally intense and honest, with the most amazing montage of warm and heartfelt, personal imagery.

"You know what you did, you idiot kid, you don't have a clue."

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