Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The XX - Somerset House

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The other week I saw The XX play the Summer Series of gigs at Somerset House. It was literally amazing. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, as much as I love their album - and I do, it was my favourite album of 2009. None of their songs really build up to anything. Which is fine and relaxing and beautiful when I'm sitting in my room or when I'm on my way to work. But when I'm standing in an open air gig with a beer in hand - I wasn't sure how it would go.

The whole thing was just dead simple, beautiful and engaging. Romy's voice is so effortlessly amazing and rings out over the sparse guitar and electronic drum beats. I just stood there in amazement as they worked their way through their set. The whole of the internal square of somerset house lit up with a slow change of colour which faded with their songs.

All the photos I have robbed from numerous places - they are not my own, I did not take them, most of which are off Flickr. Unfortunately I have totally forgotten whose profile I stole them off as they have been sitting on my desktop unlabeled for a little while now. So apologies to who-ever took those. 

I think that you should all check out their website which utilizes the best use of an X ever - such a simple and effective graphic device. and watch the numerous videos they have produced - all of them are amazing which such beautiful and understated meloncholly.

And if you weren't quite XXed out yet then you should read about this covered on creative reviews blog in January of this year.

The Vinyl Factory and director Saam Farahmand made a 3d sculpture come music video come installation. In which you could walk around and experience the album as a whole. Stunning piece of installation work. Would have been dead lovely to go but unfortunately I missed it - and it's long gone now. So these pictures will have to suffice.

Oh and one more thing, watch this. It's would have been properly amazing to see this live. Simply Beautiful.

Post beautiful count: IIII
Post amazing count: IIII 

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